I am sorry but I am going to get a tad "religious" on you right now. Not very often I do...but today will be one of those days. There is a story in the Bible about a man named Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1-5) who is called by God to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls around the city. The sight of destruction is overwhelming and there are those in the story, that for different reasons, do not want the rebuilding to take place. Combined with incredible resistance and negativity, was the fear of the people called to help with the rebuilding as well as the overwhelming enormity of the job.
There are many parts of this story that inspire me but none more than this part, "So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart." It screams out at me that the word is "heart" and not "hearts"...we can do more together than we could ever do alone! It is at times like this that you see the "heart" of people and countries. You see....although lives have been lost we can see what is now just ruins and rubble rebuilt. The hearts that are now filled with disaster, despair, discouragement...
...can once again be filled with hope and joy. Will it take work? Yes. Will there be those that say "why bother"? Uhuh. Will it look overwhelming for a long time? Yup. Will there be challenges? Oh yeah!
"...for the people worked with all their heart" That is why here at PI we are thrilled to partner with Bill and Susette Manessaro....people of heart! Let's stand with them...if every person connected with PI gave $20...we could have over $10,000 to help them help others. The truth is many could give a bit more.
No pressure from any of us here at PI...I am a freak I know...but I believe with all my heart that we can "raise the rubble" and that we can see "mourning turned into dancing". One brick at a time. One dollar at a time.
....for the people worked with all their heart...now you got something...
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