Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bahtishka can walk now!

Recently we wrote a post about our little Bahtishka who got an operation 
on his legs for free and look at this, folks, Bahtishka began to walk!!!
We are so happy for him!!!
Thank you so much for supporting our work in Central Asia!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Latest Freakshow Update & More!

Sorry about the delay.  We have had a wedding in the family...I spent 5 days deep in Algonquin Park...the newest update has been uploaded.  You can view it here.
While dropping by the website to see the video, please check out the trips also.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Great News!

This letter came from our PI Dream Agents who work in the
orphanage with 120 children.

Our 120 children went to eat in the cafeteria every day for
breakfast, lunch and dinner and they were never able to wash 
their didn't matter where they were coming from -
playing outside, coming back from school, cleaning their bedrooms...
they went straight to the tables without washing their hands...
And our biggest dream was to have a place before they entered the
cafeteria where all 120 children would be able to wash their hands.
Can you believe, our dream came true...Remember the businessman
who brought extra food (cereal, formula, etc) to the Baby Orphanage?!
He has been doing this for the last four years and hasn't missed one 
week...every week we had one car full of stuff. We always gave this 
businessman reports on how we spend his money on food for the kids, 
we gave him pictures of our chubby babies! 
We also shared with him about other projects we are involved in. 
Last year he came up to us and said that he wants to give
$2000 to help our blind people. We were so happy to get pillows, 
blankets and groceries for them...But that's not all...he came up to us 
this year and said  that he wants to give us $3000 and we right away 
shared with him about our dream to have sinks for the kids to wash their 
hands before eating and he was so pleased to do that.
The children were so exited to help us, they couldn't wait for the final result!
Look at our new place for washing hands!!!
Thank you so much for the faithful support for our PI Dream Agents!!!
These kinds of miracles happen, because they are there and working hard.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Making the juice from our own fruits!!!

We've got this letter from our PI Dream Agents who work in the Baby Orphanage.
It is hot in our country right now. It is +50 and our children were
so thirsty, but...not anymore. A beautiful thing happened this year 
because the cherry trees that we planted a few years ago are giving 
us fruit this year.
The children are having so much fun with it - they pick the cherries themselves.
We made a juice from the cherries. The pictures say it all!!!
They love to drink the cherry juice, that they made themselves!
We, North Americans, take the juice for granted, our children don't think
that it is a big deal, but for orphans in Central Asia it is a big celebration!
They never get to eat fresh fruits or drink juice...
Folks, I cannot thank you enough for giving towards our PI Dream Agents.
I am so happy to share with you how little orphans are being taken care of
because of your generosity!!!