Wednesday, October 13, 2010

You are making a difference!!!

First of all, I would like you to imagine this picture...children lying down
24 hours a day. Some children are lucky and are able to lie on old rotten
beds. Some children aren't even that lucky, as they don't even have a
bed to lie in.

Imagine this folks - children who do not have enough food, clothing,
and no toys to speak of... and that is their daily life. However...then
things began to slowly change - someone brought them clothing, beds
and bedding; someone provided extra nutritious food; someone brought
them vitamins; someone began to take them outside. It does not take
much to see smiles begin to literally erupt on the faces of these children!
That is the difference you are making in the lives of these children.

And we are so thankful for being able to continue providing the salaries
 for our PI Dream Agents.

Listen to this recent report...

They had a dream to take all of their children to the Puppet Theatre,
but it was so complicated and very expensive. We needed a lot of
transportation, many workers for children with special needs, as well
as strollers and wheelchairs for the children. So our PI ladies decided
that if we cannot go to them, we can invite them to come to us. They
spoke with the people from the theatre to find out if it is possible, and if
it was possible, how much would it cost?

So look at these pictures - the theatre came to the orphanage and didn't
cost a thing!

Our children had a huge celebration - lots of laughs, lots of fun and they
were even dancing together with the puppets.

Thank you so much for helping to throw such a celebration for
our children!!!
How do we see these things happen? Well.....we have some
of the best workers on the planet acting on our (and your) behalf!
Monthly iam1ru sponsorships and donations help us support our
Dream Agents in Central Asia. Thanks so much for partnering
with us at PI!

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