Monday, December 30, 2013

Special Agent Update #2 - Ted & Jo in Mexico

The Three Amigos:
Meet Francisco, Edwardo, and Giovanni.These 3 guys had recently 'aged-out' of one of the local orphanages and are trying to carve out a life for themselves with not much more than the clothes they are wearing. Rick & Lisa have begun to take them under their wing and try to mentor them in this part of their journey.

They understand that once kids leave the orphanage, they often lose their family support which is something we often take for granted. How often have you relied on family after you moved out on your own...imagine how different your life would be if you hadn't had that. One of the sad truths here is that the 'institutional orphanages' meet a specific need but often at age 18 kids are sent out to fend for themselves, many times ending up back in dire straits and this is one reason Rick and Lisa want to change the model in their orphanage and break the cycle instead just of meeting the need. Well we wanted to help these guys out as they strive to move ahead in life so we blessed them with some new threads for Christmas. We honestly believe that if you are feeling good & looking sharp, and you know that there are people that care about you, it can mean the difference between life running you over and you grabbing it by the horns. One of the comments made were "Thank you for giving me a Christmas". Life is short my friends .....make it count! TED & JO

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