Monday, April 18, 2011

Little boy Sasha got a desk!!!

We had posted this Dream on the Website

This is Sasha. He has cerebral palsy and because
of that he cannot go to school. But our PI ladies
want to teach him.

Baby orphanage got diaper rush cream!!!

 Thank you Everyday Philanthropists for donating $270 for diaper cream

The babies are much happier and the workers are too!

Little boy Vadim got a bike!!!

We had this Dream posted-

From our Dream Agents :
This boy's name is Vadim. He only has his grandmother.
His dad left him a long time ago, and his mother left him

Little Nargiza got a new bathtub!!!

We posted this Dream on our Website-

This is our little girl Nargiza who has special needs.
Nargiza has cerebral palsy. But with the help of
our PI ladies she is doing really well. Our PI lady
does special massage and physiotherapy with her.
Nargiza has a special request -- she
would like to have a very nice bathtub.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Senior lady Tanya got medical checkup.

We had this Dream posted on our Website.
This letter is from our PI Dream Agent in
Central Asia.
Our dear blind lady Tanya has some medical
problems - her stomach is getting bigger and
bigger every day.

Thursday, April 14, 2011