Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day One

Day one. As one person said, someday has become today. So much of us talk about going on a trip like this and helping people, some day. We hear about it from other people, we read about it, we see pictures about it; and that is as far as it goes. For us on the trip, "someday" no longer exists for us.
Today the build team began their work for people who have lost literally everything in a mudslide 9 months ago. The Gov't set up a place for them to relocate, but it is hardly anything reminiscent of a home; it looks like the refugee camps you see on CNN... except this one is getting no coverage. This will be a week of bringing hope to a community of people. This will be a week of letting people know they are not forgotten. This will be a week of changing our own lives and getting our eyes off of ourselves.
The medical team had the opportunity to help a large number of widows, single mothers and children. Dr. Doug and the team were incredible. The fact that we also brought homemade brownies and enough fried chicken and french fries as a special treat for all the kids, that didn't hurt. It was a great day.  Here are a few pictures of what happened.

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