Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wells in India!

Presently, our Agent Steve Blockeel is in India overseeing the drilling of five water wells. These wells will be drilled in villages where the women are walking 5-10 miles a day for water.  Hello! Talk about bringing hope!  And these wells are drilled for $1500.  oh my!  Now that is what I am talking about!
Shortly Special Agent Marcel "Shakkalakka" McIntyre will be joining Steve in the well drilling fun.  Steve and Marcel will be also touring around and looking for new exciting opportunities of impact.  If you want to help us drill a well just click here.
Enjoy these pics that Steve sent to us today.  Can you spot which one is Steve?  :)  Love the iam1ru tshirts baby!  Do you have one?  If not....why not?  Order one here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Thank You Steve for careing so much and what you are doing ..Blessings be upon everything that you do for our Lord and all the special people that you meet..You and Judy have made a huge difference in our lives.THANK YOU..
    G & B
