Here is one of the building teams. Looks like a crazy crew! That is Barbara Wright (Quebec) in the front with the iam1ru tshirt on, holding the post hole digger. Looks like she is ready to start digging!
Quite a good days work! I am told they got this house 80% done yesterday and only need to do the concrete floor and a front door. That is Kelly Deschamps from Espanola in the red tshirt and yellow hat.
The owner of this new house in the guy in the bottom right in the white hat. Tyler Field from Petrolia is in the grey tshirt in behind the house owner.
Don Welten getting stuff out of the truck. Al Primmer(Petrolia) is on the left with the grey tshirt and white hat on.
Thats right ....31 people.....and about 60 bags in total!
Imagine going through the airport with this load?
The roof going on the house.
There it is, the house on the hill. It may not look like much to you, but when your previous house had walls made of cornstalks, and an old beat up piece of tin as a roof...I am thinking they are thrilled with this new dwelling. Way to go Team!
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